You’ve spent countless hours defeating the enemies of the Last City, steadily increasing your Power to challenge the darkness that is consuming the Dreaming City. Now that they have been put to the test, the curse has yet to be broken… The claims made in the “Truth to Power” lore book were ambiguous. Following the guidance of a lore piece, they’ve also taken on the Shattered Throne dungeon, solo, in hopes of breaking the curse of the Dreaming City. Last night, Bagel4k was the first to reach Power level 999. The Gate Lord’s Eye provides not only unique perks for players to earn, but additional Power to give Guardians an edge when taking on pinnacle content.Ī few among you have been hard on the grind, looking to reach heights in Power that some may only dream of achieving. Since the release of Shadowkeep, we’ve been watching the community climb in Power as they’ve embraced the Seasonal Artifact to take on the Nightmares of the Moon.

Are you a hardcore Destiny 2 player? If you are, chances are you’re not as hardcore and dedicated as Bagel4K, as player has managed to hit the Destiny 2 max power level of 1000! To mark this occasion, Bungie has issued a letter, and a coded message that got decoded by Reddit quite quickly.